For nearly two decades, OpenStreetMap (OSM) has taken the mapping world by storm, providing the raw ingredients for a global, standardized map of the world. The collaborative project crowdsources data from over 6 million registered users and contains over 6 billion data elements. Today, businesses use OSM across a wide range of applications, including routing services, online maps, GIS, and much more. Cyient brings its robust expertise in OSM to provide a wide range of services across distributed industries that leverage mapping services for their organizations.


Map Editing

To achieve your objective with OpenStreetMap, you need accurate map data. Cyient’s dedicated team of highly trained editors can update data globally with speed and accuracy. All edits are fully compliant with OSM specifications and are checked for quality assurance. Our team can add any feature type and will append as much information to the feature as required.


Points of Interest (POIs)

Being able to deliver a package to the right place or helping someone find a local coffee shop is only possible with good data on Points of Interest (POIs). Keeping these up to date is important for providing customers with the best possible experience. We use multiple input sources to create and validate POIs, and will help you understand how you can extract POI data from OpenStreetMap for use in your applications.


Data Integration and Conversion

OpenStreetMap is just a foundational dataset that can be used to create numerous solutions. Cyient builds transformation tools that convert OpenStreetMap into data that is compatible with your systems and any existing map products you may already have.

We also help you find optimal ways to display the data to give you and your customers the best possible experience.


Custom Editor

We use an enhanced version of the iD Editor that is customized to support our map editing workflows. It integrates directly with Cockpit.



Cockpit is our workflow management tool and monitoring dashboard. It allows us to track the real-time progress of editing against SLAs for turnaround and quality.

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