
Building a better tomorrow

A resolve to long-term sustainability

Cyient’s Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability; What Is It? Definition, Principles and Examples

A Journey Towards Driving Sustainable Change from within

Cyient is committed to align with broader ESG goals

Cyient is on a mission. Accelerating Engineering and Technology Convergence. Along with our customers, associates and partners, we are steering towards a sustainable future by aligning with the United Nations Sustainability Goals. Our dedication extends to investing in renewable energy and moving towards net-zero by 2025. We are also dedicated to fostering associate engagement and were recognized as a 'Progressive Place to Work.' This year, Cyient focusses on afforestation, full gender pay transparency, and community development and more. Read our Sustainability report to find out more.

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Creating equitable sustainable policies Cyient has developed a sustainability policy as a guiding principle to ensure consistency and accountability and integrate ESG parameters across our business and value chain.

Key Highlights

Stronger focus on how Cyient is helping our customers with sustainability
Assessment of our top 100 suppliers by spend on ESG parameters
Alignment to the United Nations Sustainability Goals
Achieving a 50% gender balance in hiring our entry-level associates
Being awarded the Great Place to Work
Focus on renewable energy and reducing waste and water usage
Commitment to inclusion and diversity, talent management, and employee health, safety, and wellbeing
Ten Pillars of our Sustainablity Policy

Designing a SustainableTomorrow Together

Committed to Net-Zero Emissions in Alignment with UN-SDG
One Tree Planted
Planted ~7,500 trees on the foothills of Mt. Everest with ONE TREE PLANTED
Renewable Energy
Our major offices are running on 75% renewable energy
Go Green
Go Green Campaign and Zero plastic across locations
Top Percentile Ranking for Environmental, Social, and Governance reporting
Sustainability Indexes
Scored higher than the industry means across categories
Ecovadis Award
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indexes (1)
Row (1)

Our Sustainability Timeline

Formalization of Institutions and Policies



Cyient Foundation established


Our first Business Responsibility Report published


CSR, Anti-corruption, and Board diversity policies formalized


Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety (EOHS) policy released 


  •  Sustainability Framework created 
  • Sustainability policy introduced 
  • First Sustainability Report published


  • Constitution of ESG Committee 
  • Human Rights Policy released
  • Sustainability clauses inserted in the Vendor Code of Conduct
  • Global CSR Policy launched


  •  Published maiden Responsibility and Sustainability Report
  • Acquired Grit Consulting, Citec, and Celfinet to expand sustainable offerings
  • Concluded major buyout in an Automotive company 

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