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Nagesh Shenoy Bantwal Toledar Nagesh Shenoy Bantwal Toledar Written by Nagesh Shenoy Bantwal Toledar, Head - Embedded Technologies
on 01 Dec 2022

Recently, I had the opportunity to be a part of IInvenTiv, the first-ever mega R&D fair that brought together 23 IITs. At this event, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan emphasized the importance of being Anusandhan (research) Bharat and Aatmanirbhar (autonomous/self-sufficient) Bharat. These goals are best served by spotlighting the role of innovation in the overall progress and development of the economy and allowing the youth to see the part they play in advancing growth.

Education at a collegiate or university level sets the foundation for solving technical problems as individuals enter the corporate world. However, the current system of education has its limitations. A syllabus and a specific set of modules bind its curriculum. On the other hand, technology is evolving at lightning speed, and the ability to keep pace with the change has yet to permeate the education system.

This puts students at a disadvantage at two levels. First, students are exposed to antiquated technology and need to spend months on the job catching up with the latest advancements. Second, they lack the guidance and mentorship that help advance critical thinking skills to hone their problem-solving abilities.

On November 11, 2022, we celebrated National Education Day around the theme "Changing Course, Transforming Education." This theme recognized the need for technical development. As a result, several organizations, universities, and government bodies have committed to helping students enhance their vocational abilities.

One of my firm beliefs is that universities are a smorgasbord of talent, and organizations can groom them early into high performers. We can create collaborative programs between companies and universities to supplement existing modules with the latest innovations in industry. This allows students to stay ahead of the curve and upskill themselves in a demanding market that constantly needs a skilled workforce.

Training programs for students in AutoSar is very relevant and as a growing and especially important technology in the automotive industry, AutoSar has several applications in the real world. However, we observed that student exposure to this technology was fairly basic and limited. The session provided students with an overview of AutoSar, applications in the industry, and a deep dive into its architecture. Along with the technical overview, we also spent time with the students guiding them through research topics such as time-synchronized communication and execution management.

Our Outreach program aims to fuel a passion within students, encouraging questions, doubts, and a desire for hands-on experience with technology. It opens them to a new world of skills that they often cultivate only in a professional environment. Several international markets provide students with similar programs that provide exposure to operations within an organization. While India makes rapid progress, corporate partnerships can catalyze change in the education system.

Cyient is proud to be associated with several colleges and universities around India in delivering such programs. It excites me to be a part of this process, where transformation begins at the lowest rung of our talent ecosystem. I believe students create the foundation of the talent market, and investments in upskilling them are truly an investment in an organization’s success. Together, we can help create an ecosystem of talented professionals who can contribute dynamically to the changing technology market.

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