Asset intensive businesses rely heavily on their field workforce to ensure smooth operations and uninterrupted services. However, increased competition, changing customer expectations, and evolving service options are driving them to seek other solutions. Organizations today are increasingly trying to leverage newer technology to streamline field operations and enhance efficiency like mobile workforce management (MWM) solutions that help automate and modernize the business process, improve visibility, and improve performance and efficiency of the field workforce.

Despite the many advantages that the MWM solutions bring, the organizations face challenges when it comes to resource-intensive field activities. The biggest concerns are ensuring the safety of field operators and managing the time and effort consumed by operators in performing daunting field tasks. We believe that unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology holds immense potential in transforming conventional field operations.

In this paper, we discuss how UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) can help optimize field operations. It further highlights how UAV can be integrated with the field mobile devices to ensure seamless flow of information across applications and devices resulting in enhanced flexibility, productivity, and safety.

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